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‘‘because tonight will be the night that i fall for you’’
the girl next door

I could go back to every laugh, But I don't wanna go there anymore, And I know all the steps up to your door, But I don't wanna go there anymore.
I’ll leave my window open, Cause I’m too tired at night to call your name. Just know I’m right here hoping, That you’ll come in with the rain.

Jayne, 13, FMS(S) 1E 2009

underline italic bold

wish upon a shooting star

Watch Twilight
Watch Transformers 2
Watch Hannah Montana The Movie
Watch The Time Traveler's Wife
Watch My Sister's Keeper
▪ Watch 2012
▪ Watch New Moon
▪ Watch Dear John
▪ Watch The Last Song
▪ Watch Valentine's Day
▪ Watch Eclipse
▪ Watch Ramona and Beezus

the 13th birthday
▪ the 14th birthday

Good grades (Term 1)
Good grades (Term 2)
Good grades (Term 3)
Good grades (Term 4)
▪ Pass Grade 5 Theory

Material Goods
Apple iPod Nano
▪ CDs
▪ New pencilcase
▪ New wallet
▪ New clothes
▪ FBTs
▪ New watch
▪ New School shoes (Converse)
▪ MacBook

scream out loud

tweet, tweet, tweet

you're on your way

My Tumblr
Amanda Chia
Amanda Choo
Winter Dreamer
6A '08
6R '08
1E '09

gone with the wind

February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009

take a bow

Designer: electro-pop%
Icons: cablelines / leen
Post Icons: photobucket
Inspiration: denise
Quote: shawn
Image Host: tinypic / photobucket
Profile Description: that's not my name

boys over flowers
Saturday, June 27, 2009

Its official. I'm hooked onto Boys Over Flowers. At first, when I watched the first few minutes of the first episode on Youtube, I thought it was going to be one of those typical korea/japanese/taiwanese love shows, but as I continued to watch more, I got more into the show and ended up really loving it! Talk about being fickle-minded. But it really is a super nice show, even if the guys aren't really that hot. But the girl who acts as Jan Di is darn pretty. And the song is nice too.

It kinda has the Twilight effect on me. Last time, when I first read Twilight, I was hooked onto it because of the feeling that it caused you to feel. Now, its the same feeling all over again.

Here's the MV for Boys Over Flowers. Enjoy!

And here's the website as well: http://www.boysoverflowers.sg/

Found this on Prisca's blog. Super addicted. Super nice. Nothing more to say.

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michael jackson's dead?
Friday, June 26, 2009

OMG, can you actually believe Michael Jackson's dead? That's so shocking! This morning, when my mum told me the news, my jaw literally fell open and I just stared at her like an idiot. It's so hard to believe that one of the greatest pop stars in history DIED.

Guess that just proves how fragile life is.

Anyway, I'm done with my math and english revision. Have to chiong chinese and science revision, as well as do a few more exam papers.

Also, I haven't given up my dream of going to a prestigious university some day.

And, I want to go out!!

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strange longings
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Is this just strange or what? I suddenly have the sudden urge to work harder and aim to go to Trinity College or Yale or Princeton next time when I'm older. Its so strange. I keep getting these sudden longings and then I'd work towards it.

Did you know? Emma Watson is super smart? Its like, she got accepted to Yale and Princeton and those are super prestigious schools. I want to be like her!! She's also awesomely pretty. She's kinda like her character in Harry Potter, Hermione, don't you think? Smart and all.

Okay, I know my posts have been stupid and draggy and boring these few days but I can't find a nice topic to talk about.

Better go and study now.

Oh wait, one more thing to talk about:

I watched Night At The Museum 2 online last night and I swear, that movie is AWESOME! One of the best movies I have ever watched. Seriously loved Owen Wilson in the show. He was so sarcastic and funny and coupled with the fact that he's small, it was rather hilarious when he sassed the Egyptian guy. Ben Stiller was great too! Amazing show! I'd give it 5 stars!

P.S. I want to watch Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen!!

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weird dreams
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The boredom must be getting to my head. I've been having such weird and scary dreams lately that make absolutely no sense at all. And I'd always wake up with a jolt in the middle of the night. Totally weirded out.

I've been emo-ing because people have been asking me out to watch movies especially Transformers 2! I really really really want to watch that movie, no matter how lousy the rating is (it was half a star). Also, I want to watch Hannah Montana The Movie!! I'm halfway through Night At The Museum 2 already. Will continue watching it tonight.

Throughout this holiday, I've been thinking back and reflecting on my performance and somehow, I feel that it isn't good enough. I have to work harder, be more focused, mug until the wee hours of the morning, revise my files daily, finish up my assessment books and buy more, do more research on the internet, blog less, go on facebook less, sign into MSN less, be a better person, stop being so narcissistic and thinking of myself all the time, start thinking about other people more, care about them, ask how they're feeling, put others before myself. I also feel that I have to stop using the word "I" less, stop being so anti-social and open up to other people, make friends, be more outgoing like Claire or Anais.

You know, I've been re-reading Twilight and somehow, I find myself relating to Bella more and more. I understand what she's going through (minusing the Edward part of course) and I actually see some of myself in her. Such as the way she thinks and how she feels about stuff.

Okay, I think I have to stop now. Otherwise, you'll be bored to death.

Here's a video of the song I'm super addicted to right now. Enjoy!

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damn swine flu part 2
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Once more, I have to say this, DAMN SWINE FLU! Its ruining my life! It should go to hell!

Its like this, Phoebe called to ask me out to watch a movie with Wan Hui, Yi Jie, Lycia and a few others but unfortunately, thanks to that bloody swine flu, my mum said no.

Then, on MSN just now, Prisca asked me out to watch Transformers 2(!) with her and Ern Jie. I've been anticipating that movie for weeks! First it was Hannah Montana The Movie, now Transformers too? I really want to watch those movies!! I'm going crazy stuck in this boring house all day long! I can die! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

Unfair! Unfair! Unfair!

Staring at books and doing loads of revision is certainly not helping to while away the boredom. It only makes me long to get some fresh air instead of home air even more. My parents don't even allow anyone out of the house except themselves, for work. This is sheer lunacy. Nobody can live like this. Damn swine flu to hell!

Anyway, I'm getting obsessed with Disney stars like Demi Lovato, Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift, on and on. They're awesome!

Anyway, here's the official video of One and the Same:

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Monday, June 22, 2009

June holidays are seriously messing with me. I haven't been to a single shopping mall in Singapore for just about this entire month and I have been stuck at home, doing nothing but studying, household chores. And now, I'm never in the mood to study anymore. Can't understand what's wrong with me. Whenever I sit down at my desk, my brain automatically switches off and all I want to do is stare into blank space and dream. So stupid. Afternoons are a horrible time of day to work. But there are absolutely no books in the house to read since my parents refuse to buy me any and they don't have time to bring me to the library and I can't go out AT ALL since my brother is at home ALL DAY. June holidays are dumb. Screw the June holidays! Screw it upside down! Screw swine flu! Screw it upside down! Okay, I'm ranting on and on. Better stop. But seriously, life sucks when there's no school and you're stuck in a luxurious but boring house all day with nothing but a bratty younger brother, a brain-damaged younger brother, assessment books, textbooks, no junk food or jucies or coke or sprite or carbonated drinks, not being allowed to go on the computer or switch on the television, not allowed to go out to a shopping mall or even just to go to Clementi using the shuttle bus to buy bubble tea or some nonsense, and there you have it, a horrible holiday. I can't go on like this. I'll go mad. Actually, correction, I AM MAD. AHHHHH!!!!! Haha. I'm ranting on and on and I can't stop and I'm crapping away like nobody's business.

Alright, time to stop being so stupid and childish. But June Holidays are still screwed.

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Damn swine flu

Okay, this totally sucks. All because of screwed-up swine flu, my mum has decided that I can't perform for the AYG opening ceremony! And I can't go for the choir practice this thursday and possibly, no more school. That's so unfair. Come on, swine flu is everywhere! What's the problem? What's the f***king big deal? AYG is such a big event and its a once in a lifetime opportunity! It won't come again! Unless we're allowed to perform for YOG too. That's even bigger but come on! Haiz...damn swine flu! Screw it upside down! And my mum said that I was being selfish and not thinking about the rest of the family. Hello? She's twice as likely to get swine flu as I because she's at work the whole day! So is my dad! Besides, swine flu is like the seasonal flu. My mum banned me from participiating because she's afraid that if I get swine flu, I will pass it to my youngest brother. That's so stupid! My brother may not have any vaccinations at all but he's caught the seasonal flu dozens of times and has anything happened to him? No!

Anyway, I'm planning to mug as hard as I can for the rest of this week because I feel that I have been spending too much time slacking. So studying will dominate the rest of my life after this post. But I'll try to blog as much as I can.

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Sunday, June 21, 2009

Haven't been blogging for some time now so thought I'd better update.

Few weeks ago, I went for chinese tuition as usual and I actually fell asleep before class started. Then, I didn't realise that the teacher had come in at 1.15 and I was still fast asleep and eventually, was woken up by Chongsin. And the teacher was like, not really happy and the entire class was staring at me and grinning away, don't know for what. Then the teacher asked if I wanted to go and wash my face or something but I declined. But I did feel damn paiseh about it. It was super embarrassing!

Anyway, came back from church camp yesterday and I must admit, it sucked. Okay, fine, I was being totally anti-social during the camp. Sticking to my family and all instead of sitting with the other youths but its super damn awkward in church and I don't know what to say to the other youths, even if I did join them. My mum was lecturing me about it all the way and that's mainly why camp sucked. But the food at the hotel was awesome! I have never tasted such good food before. The shopping was great too because there are really huge malls in KL and all the international brands under one roof. Couldn't visit all the shops because there were just too many. Bought quite a number of new clothes. Mostly from MNG because there was a sale. And guess what? MNG had this VIP sale and I didn't know. But apparently my mum did. We wanted to get in and I had no idea my mum was planning to sneak in. We walked around until we found the entrance because the other one was locked. We managed to find it and when the guy at the entrance wasn't looking, my mum pulled me into the store. Only later on did I find out that it was a sale for VIP members only! Haha. Bought about 4 articles of clothing from there. Really cheap and the clothes were so nice!

Okay, I think that's all I have to say. Blog some other time.

P.S. Hope swine flu gets worse and we can stay at home:)

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Choir Camp Day 1
Thursday, June 11, 2009

Today was torturous until after 6pm so I shan't elaborate much about the morning. We played wet games in the afternoon at about 1pm and everyone just about went crazy, throwing water bombs and stuff. I got seriously wet because Faith and Debbi were going round with waterbottle filled with water and pouring them on unsuspecting victims and Jonathan splashed a whole lot of water on me twice.

Senior's Party sucked a lot. Extremely boring. Excruciatingly stupid. Shall not talk about it.

Then, there was Night Cycling!! Took a bus to East Coast Park and yeah, got our bicycles and stuff and went on an extremely long ride to the end of the trail. On the way, we stopped a couple of times to rest and play dumb games and see other people do forfeits. Anyway, night cycling was super damn fun. Enjoyed it a lot. Except the fact that we went back at like, midnight. Slept on the bus for some time. Legs aching like crazy.

When Prisca and I went to shower, the stupid motion sensor suddenly switched off twice when we were showering. So damn bloody stupid. We screamed like banshees, especially me. I mean, hello, its the middle of the night. Its scary! How not to scream?

Anyways, more tomorrow...

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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I have to say this...I'm officially a fickle-minded person since last night. Why? Because I joined Facebook! I know I mentioned in one of my earlier posts that I would never join Facebook but in the end, I still did. But Facebook is fun when you first start using it. However, from what I hear, you would get sick of it after some time. Better enjoy it while I can.

Choir practice tomorrow and my voice sounds reasonably better. Hope it doesn't stay that way tomorrow. Otherwise, I'll have to end up singing...

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Confessions of a Shopaholic
Monday, June 8, 2009

Went out to Jurong Point with my mum yesterday. Bought a sleeping bag for the choir camp. And it cost only $7.90, which is extremely cheap. Walked around a lot. Mostly I just followed my mum around. That's the downfall of going out with your mum. She went into John Little, G2000, Esprit, all her "auntie" shops. Quite boring. Eventually, we ate dinner there and went home. Unfortunately, there was no bus because on Sundays, they don't have a bus at 7.15 so my mum bought McDonald's ice cream for both of us before walking to another bus stop further down. Caught 197 to Hong Leong. I was in fact, still eating my ice cream when the bus arrived and when I got up, I used the napkin provided to cover the ice cream. Only ate it when I got off the bus. It was a little melted but still okay. Such a good girl right? Haha...>.finally. After a month of waiting, I finally watched that show online. It was damn nice. If you haven't watched it, you should. Its super super damn nice. So funny and cool. Haha..

Just finished lunch and washing my shoes. I predict my Converse shoes will dry faster than my school shoes:) If that happens, I'll have to end up wearing my Converses to choir practice this wednesday instead of school shoes. That'll be cool but I don't think my Converses are very acceptable because even though they're white, they still have coloured thread. My mum told me she actually saw people from Nan Hua wearing the exact same type of Converses that I own. Actually, I bought mine in Hong Kong last year and over there, it was kinda last-season. I did try on a pair of all-white Converses while I was there last year but I decided to give myself a break from white shoes and put on some coloured ones. But now I regret choosing the coloured ones because I can't wear them to school. Anyway, its over, who cares.
Can't wait for June 16 when Lines, Vines and Trying Times will come out!! In case you don't know what that is, its gonna be the Jonas Brothers' latest CD! Not that I particularly like them or anything but its a new album and there's an excuse to buy it. Also, Demi Lovato's second album "Here We Go Again" is coming out in July!! Seriously need more CDs because the only one that I own is FOB's Folie a Deux. Which is just pathetic, though I love FOB. XD
But my parents find CDs impractical even though my shopaholic dad has an entire shelf filled with CDs that he bought, mostly oldies which I hate. He doesn't know how to appreciate modern music. Oh yeah, recently changed my blogskin. This one's simple and the effect's actually rather nice.
Feel like watching "Wild Child" again. It was another great show that I stayed up to watch a long time ago. Was chatting with Prisca at the same time and that was when she dared me to say "I Love Brandon" as my MSN name. Took the dare, dared her to do the same with hers, only that she used Nicholas's name, and left my name as that for 3 days.
Okay, why am I reminiscencing about the past. How wu liao can I be?
Better log off before I go crazy..

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Math Olympiad
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Today was Math Olympiad and it was terrible. I met Camille, Teresa and Rachel in the canteen before proceeding to the lecture theatre. We checked our serial numbers and freaked out before we went in. When I got my paper and flipped through, I got a massive shock! I have never gone for a single math olympiad competition before and I have never seen math questions like that in my entire pathetic life. I was like, "Excuse me but...WHAT?!" I couldn't comprehend a single thing the questions were asking me. I could only do a few questions, but anyway its over. I left early because I would be dead if I stayed on a minute longer. I walked out of school, completely dazed. When I got off my condo's shuttle bus, I walked into the glass door leading to my block. I was shocked and I looked around to see if there was anyone nearby. Thank goodness there wasn't. Otherwise, I would have been humiliated beyond belief. Okay, I might be exaggerating just a little but I really did bang into the glass door.

I'm working on finishing all my homework today as well as finishing Eclipse, so that I can write my book report. I never really read Eclipse properly so I must read it in detail today. Should be able to finish by tonight.

Got to go now. Will post about something or other next time.

P.S. I'm still in love with Adam Lambert and I'm addicted to Kellie Pickler's "Best Days of your life" and Fall Out Boy's "Dance, Dance"

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June Holidays
Monday, June 1, 2009

Finally, the June Holidays are here and guess what? It sucks like shit. Life is so boring. I can't go out because of swine flu and mainly, because my brothers are at home and I have to take care of them until my parents come home in the evening. And I'm not allowed on the computer in the day (which is precisely what I'm doing now).

June holidays are supposed to be fun, filled with shopping trips (GSS!) and computer games (I don't play games) and movies and television shows and lots more fun things. But instead, here I am, stuck at home, studying my ass off. That was never a definition of fun. I tried to attempt a math SA1 paper just now and realised that I had forgotten most of what I had learnt about Real Numbers so now, I have to take a break before going to revise everything about real numbers. I'm in love with algebra (and not forgetting Adam Lambert!) but definitely not real numbers. Algebra is a much easier subject than real numbers. So, I promised myself I'd get over all the problems I have in real numbers before the next semester begins.

Math Olympiad is tomorrow, and I don't give a damn about it. I have absolutely no IQ at all and thus, am likely to fail the test. And they'll never ask me to participate ever again. But not forgetting that the entire 2E is taking part as well, which means I'll have to do it again next year. Arrrghhh..

Looking forward to choir camp because I left my TPC in school which means I can sneak out at night and play! Haha...Prisca and I are going to have such fun! XD

Better go and study my ass off some more now...by the time I go back to school, I'll be dead...

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