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‘‘because tonight will be the night that i fall for you’’
the girl next door

I could go back to every laugh, But I don't wanna go there anymore, And I know all the steps up to your door, But I don't wanna go there anymore.
I’ll leave my window open, Cause I’m too tired at night to call your name. Just know I’m right here hoping, That you’ll come in with the rain.

Jayne, 13, FMS(S) 1E 2009

underline italic bold

wish upon a shooting star

Watch Twilight
Watch Transformers 2
Watch Hannah Montana The Movie
Watch The Time Traveler's Wife
Watch My Sister's Keeper
▪ Watch 2012
▪ Watch New Moon
▪ Watch Dear John
▪ Watch The Last Song
▪ Watch Valentine's Day
▪ Watch Eclipse
▪ Watch Ramona and Beezus

the 13th birthday
▪ the 14th birthday

Good grades (Term 1)
Good grades (Term 2)
Good grades (Term 3)
Good grades (Term 4)
▪ Pass Grade 5 Theory

Material Goods
Apple iPod Nano
▪ CDs
▪ New pencilcase
▪ New wallet
▪ New clothes
▪ FBTs
▪ New watch
▪ New School shoes (Converse)
▪ MacBook

scream out loud

tweet, tweet, tweet

you're on your way

My Tumblr
Amanda Chia
Amanda Choo
Winter Dreamer
6A '08
6R '08
1E '09

gone with the wind

February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009

take a bow

Designer: electro-pop%
Icons: cablelines / leen
Post Icons: photobucket
Inspiration: denise
Quote: shawn
Image Host: tinypic / photobucket
Profile Description: that's not my name

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I’ve just realised, life gets pretty boring after all the choir hoo-hah in the past month. Anyway, I’ve been re-reading Merupuri and I just completed it today. That manga’s probably the best ever. Its sad that they didn’t make an anime out of it but its a little sick. But the romance was nice.

These days, I’ve been mooching around most of the time, reading Warren Buffet’s The Snowball (which is seriously awesome!), watching Shugo Chara, studying, procrastinating and putting off doing my holiday homework and working out once in a while.

I’ve been thinking a lot about my behaviour/character/personality these few days and I’ve realised, I’ve most definitely grown out of my rebellious stage when I was P5/P6. But I’m still not very sure of who I want to be. Sure, I want to go to a prestigious university overseas, be a top student all throughout secondary school and JC, grow up and meet someone as wonderful as Aram/Ikuto/Natsume/etc., get married, have a successful career, be someone great, but all these just seem so impossible. I’m not someone outstanding, I put on an outer character all the time, I don’t show who I am inside to anyone, and sometimes, I barely even know what I’m really like. I want to be outgoing, braver, more spontaneous, a natural leader. But everytime I try to be fun and wacky in school, its nothing but an act. It’s getting pretty frustrating and confusing. I don’t wish to act all the time, but just perhaps, I’m fun and spontaneous deep inside? Who knows? There are so many things I want to be, and maybe I’m capable of it all, but its just plain impossible at this juncture. And I’ll be 14 next year and I’m not a kid anymore. It’s scary how fast time flies.

I’d better go now. I think I’ve been watching too much Shugo Chara to be able to reflect upon myself so much.

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Combined Band and Choir Concert
Monday, November 30, 2009

At last, after a month of endless practices, the concert is over! I actually wore my uniform to church, which attracted plenty of weird stares, and I went to Food Haven for lunch after leaving early. I didn't eat much though, just a fruit juice was enough. There was practice in PA1 before heading to ACJC. The concert hall was a little small and definitely not what I was expecting. Overall, the concert was fine. The band was seriously awesome! I kinda regret not joining the band. Maybe I should have. But its a little too late for regrets now so I'll just stick with choir.

Anyway, the real holidays can begin now and I'm relieved. I really need to get down to mugging, watching Shugo Chara, practicing the piano and learning Japanese. I haven't had the energy or time to do it this November so I'll need to rush it out before I go to Taiwan in the middle of December. Right now, I'm really addicted to Shugo Chara. That show is so nicesh! And Ikuto, well, let's just say he's my new addiction.

I'd better go to get some studying done now.

P.S. I've realised one thing: I will NEVER do my hair up in plaits again because all its done for me during the concert was to attract comments such as: "Wow Jayne, you look so cute!" and "Jayne, you look awful". I should stick with ponytails next time.

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❤Pandora Hearts❤/Updates
Monday, November 23, 2009

First of all, I'm super addicted to Pandora Hearts now! Guess I moved on from Gakuen Alice to Pandora Hearts in a matter of episodes. And I really really like Gilbert! Haha, which means Gakuen Alice's Natsume's been kicked out of the picture. But the graphics are a bit gory and scary, very different from the romance/school life/comedy animes I've been watching. And there's no romance in Pandora Hearts. All the same, I like that show (:

Choir practices have been really tiring these few days. Last friday, Mr Yong repeatedly told me to wake up (even though I AM AWAKE). Rachel and Prisca said its because I look uber bored. Fact is, the bored expression is my usual face when I'm not hyper. And who the heck is hyper during choir? Prisca, perhaps. After choir, I headed to Fusion with Rachel and Prisca. I managed to try the dark cherry mocha frapp from Starbucks and it was nicesh! But a little rich though, because of the cherry flavouring. I must try the peppermint mocha the next time I go out with my friends.

On Saturday, I managed to skip YF! And I met up with Prisca, Curtis and Christion at JP. But I only stayed for half an hour because I had some matters to attend to. Sorry guys! I'll make it up to you another time. While waiting for the shuttle bus, I picked up the december issues of seventeen and teenage. Both magazines featured Kristen Stewart on the cover! I love Kristen Stewart! She's so cool! All in all, saturday was a normal day.

Now, let's talk about Sunday. Church was the usual. Then, my family went to NTUC to buy groceries. Then, we went home and my bro and my dad went out again. My mum read the newspaper, and I watched anime (Pandora Hearts!). At about 6pm, my mum and I walked to West Coast Plaza. I headed to Popular, with the intention of getting my assessment books. But something else caught my eye and I ended up buying only my 词语手册 and Warren Buffet's The Snowball. It may be a boring book to most people but I flipped through a few pages and it was actually rather interesting. And that guy is one of the richest people in the world and he's never worked a single day in his life for his wealth! All he does is buy shares, sell them, analyze the stock market and that's it! People pay a million bucks to have a 1-hour lunch with him and to listen to what he has to say. Amazing, isn't it? I guess the sacrifice of my assessment books was worth it. But I'll be walking there again this weekend so ultimately, I'll still get my books. After Popular, my mum went to Cold Storage and bought a loaf of muesli bread. We walked home at 7+ and I picked up a Slurpee from 7-11 on the way. Its nice to walk to WCP and back. And I had a nice long chat with my mum about a lot of things. My mum's actually really nice. But she can be unreasonable sometimes.

Anyway, I've got to go and watch the huge pile of breakfast dishes in the sink now and watch my brothers. Damn. No anime. ):

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❤Gakuen Alice❤
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Choir yesterday was the most tiring yet because the whole choir was just about at its worst. My voice hurt whenever I tried to hit the high notes and I could barely sing much. Mrs Lim came in and made her point about her being disappointed with our standards and so on. Mr Yong was just about at his wits' end so overall, yesterday's practice sucked.

I was super tired after everything. So, I decided to try watching anime again. I got myself started on Gakuen Alice. And gosh, that show is awesome! I'm seriously loving it like mad. ❤Natsume!❤ Haha, I always get obsessed with anime guys once I start following a series. But seriously, the guys are hot.

Today's going to be another day of Gakuen Alice I guess. Along with a book review, a few chapters of 水浒传 and some sec 2 mugging.

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Monday, November 16, 2009

Haven't been updating for some time because I've been rather busy lately with some stuff. So, just some quick updates.

Choir was tiring, as usual. I find myself hating choir more and more with each practice because of the long sessions and the constant standing. And we keep singing and singing all the time. My voice hasn't exactly been in the best shape lately and it could be due to choir. Anyway, I left early on thursday because of my brothers. Prisca wasn't feeling well so she left with me. I cabbed home and my dad bought lunch (wanton mee!). After that, I surfed the net for a while and took a nap. Life was uneventful on Thursday so I shan't talk about that any longer.

Hmm...Friday...my parents were home because they hadn't any work and my brothers hadn't any school. Nothing much happened, mostly because I can't remember.

My dad bought BK for breakfast on Saturday! Then, my dad brought my bro to piano class and I stayed at home and practiced the piano (Yiruma-Maybe). My mum didn't want to go out on Saturday because she wasn't well so we stayed at home. Eventually, she agreed to walk to West Coast Plaza. The weather was really nice and cool. The skies were downcast and all that so it was awesome. We bought some groceries at WCP and then walked home. I bought this delicious-looking Italian log cake. After I got home, I got ready to go to YF. YF was the usual. Everyone kept asking me about the baking thing so I told them it hadn't yet begun. Went home at about 9+ and ate the log cake when I got home. It was really nicesh! Watched Disney Channel until 12.30 before going to sleep. Thus, a nice end to an ordinary day.

Breakfasted at KFC again. Church was normal, and I helped give out the bulletins because the person on duty wasn't there. Attended YT today to accompany Christine. There's a bible quiz next week and I'm thinking of skipping it. My dad dropped my mum and I off at JP to walk around. But my mum wasn't well so we couldn't stay long. I saw loads of new CDs out! However, my mum wouldn't let me buy any. The only thing I got was the new popular catelogue. Anybody up for some school shopping soon? Oh, and I saw this girl's shirt which said "I'm seriously serious about not being serious". How cool's that? Went home and practiced the piano for a while. Dinner was the usual uneventful event. Watched Fantastic Four for a minute or two before getting bored and watching my mom's taiwanese drama. Ate two slices of log cake (can feel the fats piling up already) and went online for an hour or two. Eventually, when I logged out, I went to watch disney and I ended up enjoying watching Hercules. Seriously, that show is nicesh! Never thought I actually liked it. Anyway, that's how I spent Sunday.

There's choir practice later which is just sad. I'm going to get a book review done later and maybe squeeze in some sec 2 math. Got to go now.

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Wanton Mee~!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Woke up pretty early today, due to some unknown bodily reaction. I waited for Rachel at Clementi for about 10 minutes since she said she'd be 20 minutes late. I was drinking ❤bubble tea❤ (passionfruit!) while waiting. Its just about the closest thing to Starbucks, I guess. But its been months since I last drank bubble tea and it was good.

Choir today was alright, although I wasn't giving my best. I left at 12 with Prisca because she wasn't feeling well and I needed to get home for my brothers (as usual). My dad bought ❤wanton mee❤ for lunch! It was seriously nicesh.

I was searching the internet for some piano scores just now and I came across this girl's myspace page. She posted some youtube videos of her doing piano covers and she was damn good. And she actually posted the sheet music online so I printed it out. I'm thinking of doing some covers soon (:

Got to go practice "Send It On" now.

(back to the top.)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Good morning world! Haha, how random of me.

I was using Echofon a lot yesterday and Anais so happened to post a link to a website to watch movies and its awesome! I found (500) days of summer, My Sister's Keeper, Julie and Julia and so much more! Thanks Anais!

So, for today, I plan to study sec 2 math and science, a bit of Japanese and some Grade 5 theory. Also, I'm searching for some comtemporary sheet music to learn on the piano so I can practice it. Tonight, I guess I'll be sitting right in front of the comp, watching movies on that awesome website! Can't wait!

(back to the top.)

Monday, November 9, 2009


My parents woke me up pretty early on Saturday to go to Ikea for breakfast. I didn't want to go at first but what choice do I have? So, reluctantly, I went. Surprisingly, the breakfast there was nice. There were waffles, bee hoon (which sucked), and french toast. Unfortunately, while delivering a cup of coffee to my parents, some of it spilled onto my clean white Converses. What a shame. After breakfast, we walked around, looking for some material for the shades my dad wants to install at the windows. Some of the designs were really cute but it was a hard decision to make. Eventually, my parents gave up the search and sent my brother for his piano lessons. After my bro's lesson, we went to the bookstore and the library. I got my textbooks and borrowed a ton of books from the library. For lunch, we headed back to Ikea where I had Ikea's awesome meatballs for lunch, along with apple jelly. I can't get over how much Ikea's food rocks. The malay rice thing was delicious, although I can't remember its exact name. But then, they went to look around for stuff all over again. So in short, we spent the entire morning and afternoon at Ikea. It was super boring. The drive home was tiring and everyone fell asleep before I woke up and realised that I had to go to YF. My dad was grouchy about being woken up but he still drove me to church.

YF was really nice today. Rev Dr Jack Sin was talking about OT History and although that subject is a little boring, I sort of opened up a bit more to the rest of the youths. I helped them put the Sunday bulletins together, something I wouldn't have done a few months back. And it was actually rather fun. At about 9+, I walked to Bible Study with Michelle, Jasper, Yiling and Chi Sin. And all of us were bullying Yiling because of her walking speed. We reached the house at 10. By then, there wasn't much food left. But I did try the Shepherd's Pie and pizza and it was simply scrumptious. I talked to Jasper a bit and Yiling a lot. Yiling's actually really nice, once you get to know her. She's like, 18 and in college. We were discussing about school stuff and CCAs and loads of other things. It was good to open up to others.

Back home, I watched some olden-day chinese show with my mum for a while before giving up and going to my room. I watched some Disney Channel for a while before reading my books. I ended up sleeping at 2am thanks to Siobhan Vivian's Same Difference. I swear, that book is awesome! Anyway, on to Sunday.


Was late for church and bulletin duty. My mum was lecturing me about it because I woke up late. In the end, she let it go. After lunch, my mum and I walked to West Coast Plaza. We ate at this Japanese cafe. I had a caramel frapp! It was as good as Starbucks actually. And I saw loads of nice books at Popular but my mum wouldn't let me buy any. She doesn't believe in buying books, only borrowing them from the library. We walked around most of the time and when I was sitting at The Coffee Bean, I saw Piao Lin and Sharmin! It was nice to see them. After they were gone, I walked home with my mum. We talked a lot about some family issues.

Watched The Devil Wears Prada while eating dinner. That show is one of my favourites. Its seriously awesome! The storyline, the characters, the actors, everything's perfect. I should really buy the DVD some time.


There's choir again today. But at least Prisca will be back. I'm super addicted to Jesse McCartney's songs nowadays. All of them are nicesh. But my comp's lagging like mad. How annoying. Anyway, got to go back to sec 2 science now.

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❤The Proposal❤
Friday, November 6, 2009

I watched The Proposal yesterday and that show was awesome! And I'm so in love with ❤Ryan Reynolds❤. Anyway, great show, awesome cast, amazing storyline. Definitely a keeper.

I was reading through the Particulate Model of Matter yesterday and well, let's say I don't understand a word of it. But I promised that I'd learn sec 2 stuff by next year and I will honour my word. I didn't manage to go through math though. But at least I'm getting my sec 2 books this saturday (no tuition!) with my mum so that ought to count for something. And I still have to study my grade 5 theory and japanese. Plus, there are choir practices 3 times a week and I'm going travelling for the most part of December so my schedule's packed. Somtimes, I really wish I didn't have to learn theory, just the piano. But apparently, they come as a package so I have no choice. I really want to take contemporary piano! Something that doesn't have classical elements in it. Although some classical pieces are nice, contemporary ones are so much better. Anyway, I shall just let life take me where it wants to go and not try to change things to suit me.

There's choir again this afternoon and I'm meeting with Rachel to go to school together again. And Prisca's in Penang. Have a great holiday Prisca! And don't worry, I won't miss you too much! (:

Got to go now.


Today’s choir practice was tiring, albeit hilarious. Because Mr Yong was mad at us because our discipline was terrible, he asked the tenors and basses to sing a verse from a song of their choice in front of the choir, individually. Then he had this funny conversation with Ian in chinese and stuff and eventually, Ian sang Britney Spears’ Womanizer. So this went on and on, with Heal The World by Michael Jackson, My Bonny lies over the ocean, ABC, Barney, etc. It was super funny and everyone was laughing. Too bad Prisca missed it all. Definitely one of the more enjoyable choir practices.

I can’t wait to get my books tomorrow. Just thinking about it makes me excited so I shall stop here for now.

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An aching heel, a sore back
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I must say, choir today was rather tiring. We had to stand throughout the entire 2 and a half hours, with a few 2 minute breaks in between. Other than that, it was intensive practice all the way. At the end of it all, my back was sore and my heels were aching. Not that I haven't gone through this type of intensive practices before, but just that its been a long time since I last experienced it. Anyway, we learnt a new song called Psallite. It was alright, manageable enough.

This morning, before choir, I was going through sec 2 science and trying to memorise the Periodic Table. But its hard, especially since I've been on holiday for some time and have gotten out of the rhythm of studying. However, I shall force myself. And I still have maps and scales to learn for sec 2 math. I shall buy my sec 2 supplies this saturday, yes I will.

Got to go catch up on a couple of episodes of Goong now.

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